This area is a resource for our community regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). As long as we are able, updates and important information will be posted here.

2024 Val Verde Student COVID-19 Protocols (1/30/2024)

Parent must report all positive cases to the school site

Student has tested positive for COVID-19 and is having symptoms

  • Positive student to remain in isolation until they have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving.

  • Student should wear a well-fitting mask when sharing indoor airspace for a total of 10 days when around others.

  • Student should avoid contact with people at higher-risk for severe COVID-19 for 10 days.

  • If you have symptoms, speak with a healthcare provider as soon as you test positive.

Student has tested positive for COVID-19 and is not having symptoms

  • Isolation is not required for asymptomatic COVID-19 cases.
  • Students should wear a well-fitting mask when sharing indoor space for a total of 10 days when around others.
  • Students should avoid contact with people at higher-risk for COVID-19.

Student is exposed to COVID-19

  • If student has new COVID-19 symptoms, it is recommended to test and mask immediately.

  • If student does not have symptoms and is at higher-risk of severe COVID-19, they should test within 5 days.

  • If student has symptoms and have contact with people who are at higher risk for severe infections, you should mask indoors when around those people for 10 days.

  • Consider testing within 5 days of exposure.

Instructional Enrichment Resources


5 months ago


The information we provide to you about COVID-19 will change rapidly. The following FAQ should help provide some clarity however be aware that we will update you with any new information as it evolves. 


What is the most important thing to do?

Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and can stay home we recommend that you do. It is still cold and flu season, COVID-19 is not the only reason for us all to stay vigilant about being healthy! 


Should we stay at home if we have a fever? 

This is a great idea. We recommend that all children and staff members with a fever of (>100.4 F / >38C) or higher should remain home from school and other activities until they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the assistance of medication.


Hand Sanitizer vs Hand Washing, what wins? 

The most effective way to keep germs at bay is to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap. We have increased hand sanitizer dispensers significantly at every school and the District Office but this does not replace hand washing. 

What if someone at VVUSD is exposed to the risk of COVID-19? 

It is important to note that we unknowingly are exposed to threats to our health every day. We will remain vigilant about investigating all reported cases. Should a confirmed case of COVID-19 exist in VVUSD we will be directed by the expert government agencies on how to take the necessary next steps. This situation will be handled on a case by case basis.  

Will you close schools?

Currently the district is in a 100% in person learning model.  The Board of Education will  always reassess the current situation in accordance with local health agencies to determine whether the district will need to implement any safety protocols.  

For information about our Reopening plan, please click here.


Where should I check for information?

Please use only official government agency outlets to obtain information, for example: